Dental Implants

Dental Implants are increasingly becoming the most popular solution for replacing missing teeth because they are the most like a natural tooth, and the most permanent solution. Dental implants act and look just like natural teeth, so you will regain the freedom to smile, speak and eat whatever you want!

Dental implants are small, titanium posts that are inserted into the jawbone and, in a process called osseointegration, are fused to the bone, acting as a natural tooth root and a strong foundation. The fusing process typically takes a few months, but is essential in creating a strong and permanent restoration. An abutment is then placed on top of the implant, acting as a base for the final restorative crown.

Dental implants tend to be more costly than dentures, but the benefits far outweigh those of dentures. Dental implants are a one-time fee, whereas dentures require additional adjustments over the years. They also will help preserve your bone structure in your jaw, which will help preserve the health of your mouth, keep you from getting a sunken, aged look, and keep you from expensive bone grafting surgery in the future.

You can restore your smile back to a healthy, beautiful whole state with dental implants! Caring for your implants is just as easy as caring for your natural teeth, with regular brushing and flossing and routine dental visits. With proper care, they should last you a lifetime.